
Independent Language Learning:Building on Experience, Seeking New Perspectives

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  • 定價:722

  • Independent Language Learning:Building on Experience, Seeking New Perspectives

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      Independent learning is not a new concept for language educators but while teachers, curriculum designers and policy makers have embraced it as underpinning modern notions of education, it remains a dynamic and vibrant field for researchers and academics who aim to broaden its scope and deepen our understanding of how it may be applied most effectively both inside and outside the classroom.

      The contributors to this volume use their experience of applying the concepts related to independent learning in various geographical, cultural and pedagogical tertiary-level learning contexts to present new perspectives on how independent learning can inform and support policy, teaching methodology, curriculum development and the nurturing of successful learners. While the first section of the book provides a view of the field from three broad curriculum development viewpoints, the remaining chapters primarily focus on the experience of learners, teachers and curriculum developers in applying principles of learner autonomy, self-regulation and self-direction with various types of learner—each with their own identities, motivations, expectations and goals. These learner and teacher stories provide insights that are important for an understanding of some of the impacts an independent learning approach to language learning have on learners in various educational contexts.

      This book will be of value to pre-service and in-service teachers, curriculum developers and teacher educators working in diverse educational contexts in more fully appreciating the contribution an independent learning focus can make to successful learning.


    Bruce Morrison

      Bruce Morrison is director of the English Language Centre at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he has worked since 1994. He has extensive experience as language teacher, teacher educator and pedagogic administrator. Before working in Hong Kong, he worked in China, South Korea, Italy, Malaysia, Spain, the UK and Egypt. His research interests include independent and self-access language learning, the tertiary English-medium learning experience for non-native users of English and programme evaluation.


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