輕鬆學漢語 (第二版)繁體練習冊5

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輕鬆學漢語 (第二版)繁體練習冊5網友評鑑5顆星

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  • 輕鬆學漢語 (第二版)繁體練習冊5

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      Chinese Made Easy adopts a new approach to teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language. It is designed for young students taking GCSE/IGCSE/A-Level Mandarin Chinese Exams (UK), SAT II / AP-Chinese Examinations (USA), IB Chinese Exam, Australian Chinese exams, HSK (Mainland China), or for those students who are starting to learn Chinese on their own.

      Chinese Made Easy has two levels: level 1-Book 1, 2 and 3; and level 2-Book 4 and 5. After completing this series, learners will acquire a vocabulary of approximately 1,700 Chinese characters and several thousand phrases. This course features task-based learning coupled with a focus on form and function. Textbooks are in full color and it includes both simplified and traditional Chinese characters in its vocabulary lists.


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