郵局銀行(附1CD)網路熱賣網友評鑑4.5顆星還在猶豫要不要買嗎?再不買就來不及了 博客來語言學習-中文/方言分類熱銷好書想看更多[郵局銀行(附1CD)]的詳細說明嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
The theme of Book Three is “A post office & a bank”.
We collect the daily conversations occur frequently in the post office or the bank from foreigners’ standpoints. The contents are: “Open a deposit account”, “To withdraw”,“Remit money in a bank”, “Mail a letter”, “Collect a parcel”,“To buy stamps in a post office”, “To convert the foreign currency”, “To pay the bill”, “To apply for a credit card”, and “The ATM system”.
It provides authentic situation and useful dialogues. For the services offer in post offices or banks in Chinese areas, and it has a general introduction as well. No matter for a trip, business or study abroad and have a job overseas, it is a handy reference book as precisely you need.
100堂中文課 100 Units Chinese
郵局銀行 A Post Office & A Bank
Open a deposit account
To withdraw
Remit money in a bank
Mail a letter
Collect a parcel
To buy stamps in a post office
To convert the foreign currency
To pay the bill
To apply for a credit card
The ATM system