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成語故事( 附光碟 MP3 )哪裡買?![]() 最近好多網友都在問哪裡買 博客來語言學習-中文/方言分類優質推薦![]() 想了解更多[成語故事( 附光碟 MP3 )]的內容嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
一隻鷸和蚌在烈日下誰也不肯先放手,「鷸蚌相爭」的結果是漁翁得利;膽小的倀為了讓老虎放了他的靈魂,只好「為虎作倀」;心急的農夫為了使田裡的作物快快長大,就蹲在田裡「揠苗助長」…… 學習這些有趣又充滿智慧的中國成語,不僅可以明白更多的中國歷史、文學知識,也可提升語文能力,不論在說話或寫文章上,都可以讓自己變得更不一樣哦!
In your studies of Chinese, surely you've already come across many, many idioms. You probably feel like you'll never be able to learn all of the idioms you need to know! Once you read the story behind the idiom, however, you'll never forget it. This book contains the origin of twelve popular and useful idioms including: "The war between the snipe and the clam" and "Pull on the seedlings to make them grow." After reading the entertaining stories behind the idioms, you'll be confident using them in your spoken and written Chinese.