The Chicken Smells Good, 2ed.售完不補網友評鑑4顆星買過的朋友都說物超所值 博客來語言學習-英語分類站長推薦想知道博客來網路書店如何介紹[The Chicken Smells Good, 2ed.]嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
內容簡介 Low-Intermediate Level. The Chicken Smells Good is part of the popular three-level reading series designed for beginning through low-intermediate students. It features high-interest dialogues and stories about ordinary people from around the world (some famous) with whom the students can identify. Students can identify with the hopes, dreams, and fears of these real people, and will enjoy reading and discussing these stories and dialogues as they relate their own experiences to the class. This popular adult reader features 40 high-interest dialogues and stories covering a variety of themes, settings, and characters that entertain, inform, and touch emotions. Students will identify with the very day struggles and joys of real people. The other books in this series are: The Pizza Tastes Great (Beginning Level) and The Salsa Is Hot (High-Beginning--Low-Intermediate Level).